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Lithium quartz

        Lithium Quartz is a Silicon dioxide mineral and can only be found in the remote area of Minas Gerais, Brazil. It's lithium bearing properties give this stone the ability to open the heart chakra and stimulate the third eye. Lithium Quartz is considered a heart healing stone benefitting anyone who seeks harmony in their relationships whether it’s friends family or lovers.  It works by Facilitating the release of negative attachments  and then reinforcing the the flow of positive energy.  Wearing lithium quartz has been said to instantaneously bring the user into a more continuous state of connection to their higher mind and heart allowing one to experience inner peace and making its energy impossible to ignore. This stone Allows calming peaceful loving energies to fill the emotional body facilitating the release of worry, stress, restless sleep and anxiety.  It  has even been said that lithium quarts has been used to successfully reduce the number of panic attacks and anxiety related problems in some patients.  It's ability to calm the mind while opening the heart make it a wonderful meditation stone

Affirmation- I move into alignment with my higher self in a calm flow of peace and joy into greater peace and joy

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